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Patch adding helper_projects_settings_tabs hook - Andriy Lesyuk, 10 May 2011 16:40

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View differences:

app/helpers/projects_helper.rb 2011-05-10 19:39:06.000000000 +0300
32 32
            {:name => 'boards', :action => :manage_boards, :partial => 'projects/settings/boards', :label => :label_board_plural},
33 33
            {:name => 'activities', :action => :manage_project_activities, :partial => 'projects/settings/activities', :label => :enumeration_activities}
34 34
    call_hook(:helper_projects_settings_tabs, { :tabs => tabs })
35 36
    tabs.select {|tab| User.current.allowed_to?(tab[:action], @project)}     
36 37
37 38
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