Feature #1702
Support script/plugin install
Start date:
15 Apr 2011
Due date:
19 May 2011
% Done:
External issue:
SVN repositories are open public. So as I understand the following should be supported:
# ruby script/plugin install http://subversion.andriylesyuk.com/<identifier>
But a user reports that it says: 500 Internal Server Error
#1 Updated by Andriy Lesyuk almost 14 years ago
- Status changed from Incomplete to Open
- Target version set to 0.1.0
#2 Updated by Andriy Lesyuk over 13 years ago
- Due date set to 19 May 2011
- Status changed from Open to Closed
This works:
root@squeeze:/usr/share/redmine# ruby script/plugin install http://subversion.andriylesyuk.com/redmine-google-ads + ./app/controllers/google_adsense_controller.rb + ./app/helpers/google_adsense_helper.rb + ./app/models/google_ad.rb + ./app/views/google_adsense/_form.rhtml + ./app/views/google_adsense/index.rhtml + ./app/views/google_adsense/load.rhtml + ./app/views/placeholders/_default.rhtml + ./app/views/placeholders/_issue.rhtml + ./app/views/placeholders/_issues.rhtml + ./app/views/placeholders/_project.rhtml + ./app/views/placeholders/_welcome.rhtml + ./assets/images/google.png + ./assets/stylesheets/admin.css + ./assets/stylesheets/google.css + ./config/locales/en.yml + ./config/placeholders.yml + ./config/routes.rb + ./db/migrate/001_create_google_ads.rb + ./init.rb + ./lib/google_adsense_hook.rb + ./lib/placeholders.rb
But not sure that everything is supported...