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Feature #1757

Allow subdirectories

Added by Jean-Sébastien Bour about 13 years ago. Updated about 13 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
30 May 2011
Due date:
% Done:


External issue:


#1 Updated by Jean-Sébastien Bour about 13 years ago

Ouch, <enter> key pressed a little bit too early

Rationale : we have dozens of repositories and try to maintain them in clients subdirectories ; could you relax the regexp which validates the path to allow subdirectories ? Or even don’t require to submit the full <path>/<repo>, only ask for <repo> (with subdirectories ) and automatically add <path> ?

#2 Updated by Andriy Lesyuk about 13 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Open

#3 Updated by Andriy Lesyuk about 13 years ago

Rationale : we have dozens of repositories and try to maintain them in clients subdirectories ; could you relax the regexp which validates the path to allow subdirectories ? Or even don’t require to submit the full <path>/<repo>, only ask for <repo> (with subdirectories ) and automatically add <path> ?

Can do only the first - “relax the regexp”! The content of the URL field should remain usable for “Create new repository” and for “Create” buttons...

What subdirectories are you usually using? I think about adding special mode...

#4 Updated by Jean-Sébastien Bour about 13 years ago

Andriy Lesyuk wrote:

Can do only the first - “relax the regexp”! The content of the URL field should remain usable for “Create new repository” and for “Create” buttons...

That’s what I thought afterwards; and overriding the main “create” button might be too much (or impossible?). I think relaxing the regexp to allow subdirectories, along with the already-implemented autofilling of the input with a sensible default value will be OK for us

What subdirectories are you usually using? I think about adding special mode...

There’s no real rule; we try to maintain a hierarchy like <base_path>/<client>/<project> (and so we don’t know the path until we “win” a project ). But, since project identifiers are unique within Redmine, maybe we could give this unwritten rule up, and stick to plain repositories with auto_create? I guess I’ll ask the others!

#5 Updated by Andriy Lesyuk about 13 years ago

  • Subject changed from Allow repositories organized in subdirectori to Allow subdirectories
  • Status changed from Open to Incomplete

The problem with subdirectories is that end-users will be able to create directories which they want... This can create a chaos. So a rule perhaps is needed! So seems like resolving this issue depends on you... Will implement special mode if you suggest a rule...

What I can think about is using first letter (or two), for example:


Not sure about client... I guess it is taken from Customer plugin... Anyway it’s a bad idea to allow any subdirectories perhaps. As a workaround I can add new option allow_subdirs to scm.yml...

#6 Updated by Jean-Sébastien Bour about 13 years ago

It seems to be okay with people here if we give up subdirectories. However I don’t see the problem with allowing them :

  • if you use auto_create feature and want to take advantage of Redmine base authentication, and other « sweetness » of Redmine or this plugin, you’ll have a top-level repository (but you don’t really care about the filesystem structure anyway if you want the tool to take care of every hassle)
  • if you don’t use automagic features like auto_create, rights management, etc, but need (for some reason) a custom repository location (and would still like to be able to click “create repo” button to have a repo with correct file rights etc), why restrict it ?

Anyway as I said we seem to be okay with one-level repos hierarchy so unless someone else really needs this issue handled, to me, it’s a really low-priority one

#7 Updated by Andriy Lesyuk about 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Incomplete to Open
  • Priority changed from Normal to Insignificant

if you don’t use automagic features like auto_create, rights management, etc, but need (for some reason) a custom repository location (and would still like to be able to click “create repo” button to have a repo with correct file rights etc), why restrict it ?

Well... An issue which comes to my mind right now:
  • Company “TheCoolOne” creates repo for it’s project: .../svn/thecoolone/project.
  • Another user creates repo: .../svn/thecoolone/thecoolproject (and it looks like it belongs to the same company).

So I believe the feature should be configurable... Perhaps will wait until some one tells he/she needs it.

#8 Updated by Andriy Lesyuk about 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Incomplete

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