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Feature #1888

Reuse past tasks

Added by Stan Dragnev over 13 years ago. Updated over 13 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
02 Nov 2011
Due date:
% Done:



When getting a list of tasks (show tasks), the list includes numbers. It would be nice to be able to select a number, e.g.:

work on 1)
continue with 1)

As it is, to go back to a task (that’s not last in the list) I have to either copy and paste the task description or create a new one that’s worded differently even if it’s really the same task I’m going back to.


#1 Updated by Andriy Lesyuk over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Open
  • Assignee set to Andriy Lesyuk

Thanks for suggestion!

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