Support #2375
Backup issue
Start date:
05 Apr 2015
Due date:
% Done:
#1 Updated by Andriy Lesyuk over 9 years ago
Updated logs:
$ /bin/su - sync -s /bin/sh -c "/usr/bin/owncloudcmd /etc/postfix ownclouds://s-andy:*********" [04/05 13:41:21.503407, 6] csync_config_parse_file: config file /bin/.ocsync/ocsync.conf not found, checking /bin/.ocsync/ocsync.conf [04/05 13:41:21.503610, 9] _csync_config_copy_default: Copy /etc/config/ocsync.conf to /bin/.ocsync/ocsync.conf [04/05 13:41:21.503659, 5] csync_init: Could not load config file /bin/.ocsync/ocsync.conf, using defaults. [04/05 13:41:21.503746, 5] csync_init: Could not load /etc/ocsync/ocsync_exclude.conf - [04/05 13:41:21.503817, 7] csync_init: Could not load /bin/.ocsync/ocsync_exclude.conf - [04/05 13:41:21.503952, 9] csync_vio_init: capabilities: atomar copy support: yes [04/05 13:41:21.503990, 9] csync_vio_init: capabilities: post copy stat: no [04/05 13:41:21.504018, 9] csync_vio_init: capabilities: time sync required: no [04/05 13:41:21.504046, 9] csync_vio_init: capabilities: unix extensions: 0 [04/05 13:41:21.504073, 9] csync_vio_init: capabilities: use send_file: yes [04/05 13:41:21.504120, 9] csync_vio_init: capabilities: get support: no [04/05 13:41:21.504149, 9] csync_vio_init: capabilities: put support: no [04/05 13:41:21.504188, 9] csync_init: Module does not need time synchronization. 04-05 13:41:21:504 void Mirall::CSyncThread::startSync() Sync started 04-05 13:41:21:505 starting to sync QThread(0x1dfd360) QThread(0x1dfd360) 04-05 13:41:21:505 Loading config: "/bin/.local/share/data//ownCloud/owncloud.cfg" (URL is "" ) 04-05 13:41:21:505 =====sync looks new (no DB exists), activating recursive PROPFIND if csync supports it 04-05 13:41:21:505 void Mirall::CSyncThread::startSync() No default Account object, huh? 04-05 13:41:21:506 #### Update start #################################################### >> 04-05 13:41:21:506 csync_update: Journal: /etc/postfix/.csync_journal.db 04-05 13:41:21:508 csync_statedb_load: statedb doesn't exist 04-05 13:41:21:509 csync_memstat_check: Memory: 199172K total size, 16276K resident, 12792K shared 04-05 13:41:21:510 csync_ftw: Uniq ID from Database: sasl -> <NULL> 04-05 13:41:21:510 csync_walker: directory: /etc/postfix/sasl 04-05 13:41:21:510 _csync_detect_update: ==> file: sasl - hash 4872316591039852956, mtime: 1362589440, fileId: 04-05 13:41:21:510 _csync_detect_update: file: sasl, instruction: INSTRUCTION_NEW <<= 04-05 13:41:21:510 csync_ftw: <= Closing walk for /etc/postfix/sasl with read_from_db 0 04-05 13:41:21:510 csync_ftw: Uniq ID from Database: post-install -> <NULL> 04-05 13:41:21:511 csync_walker: file: /etc/postfix/post-install 04-05 13:41:21:511 _csync_detect_update: ==> file: post-install - hash 889224213197788115, mtime: 1362589440, fileId: 04-05 13:41:21:511 _csync_detect_update: file: post-install, instruction: INSTRUCTION_NEW <<= 04-05 13:41:21:511 csync_ftw: Uniq ID from Database: postfix-files -> <NULL> 04-05 13:41:21:511 csync_walker: file: /etc/postfix/postfix-files 04-05 13:41:21:511 _csync_detect_update: ==> file: postfix-files - hash 11302451058266284894, mtime: 1362589440, fileId: 04-05 13:41:21:511 _csync_detect_update: file: postfix-files, instruction: INSTRUCTION_NEW <<= 04-05 13:41:21:511 csync_ftw: Uniq ID from Database: -> <NULL> 04-05 13:41:21:512 csync_walker: file: /etc/postfix/ 04-05 13:41:21:512 _csync_detect_update: ==> file: - hash 3653033282434016761, mtime: 1404170897, fileId: 04-05 13:41:21:512 _csync_detect_update: file:, instruction: INSTRUCTION_NEW <<= 04-05 13:41:21:512 csync_ftw: Uniq ID from Database: postfix-script -> <NULL> 04-05 13:41:21:512 csync_walker: file: /etc/postfix/postfix-script 04-05 13:41:21:512 _csync_detect_update: ==> file: postfix-script - hash 2967762953182527130, mtime: 1362589440, fileId: 04-05 13:41:21:512 _csync_detect_update: file: postfix-script, instruction: INSTRUCTION_NEW <<= 04-05 13:41:21:512 csync_ftw: Uniq ID from Database: -> <NULL> 04-05 13:41:21:513 csync_walker: file: /etc/postfix/ 04-05 13:41:21:513 _csync_detect_update: ==> file: - hash 3683048389453455699, mtime: 1404170897, fileId: 04-05 13:41:21:513 _csync_detect_update: file:, instruction: INSTRUCTION_NEW <<= 04-05 13:41:21:513 csync_ftw: Uniq ID from Database: -> <NULL> 04-05 13:41:21:513 csync_walker: file: /etc/postfix/ 04-05 13:41:21:513 _csync_detect_update: ==> file: - hash 15763603062311082715, mtime: 1404564403, fileId: 04-05 13:41:21:513 _csync_detect_update: file:, instruction: INSTRUCTION_NEW <<= 04-05 13:41:21:513 csync_ftw: <= Closing walk for /etc/postfix with read_from_db 0 04-05 13:41:21:514 csync_update: Update detection for local replica took 0.00 seconds walking 7 files. 04-05 13:41:21:514 csync_memstat_check: Memory: 199256K total size, 16472K resident, 12968K shared 04-05 13:41:21:514 oc_module: opendir method called on ownclouds://s-andy:********* 04-05 13:41:21:514 oc_module: * scheme ownclouds 04-05 13:41:21:514 oc_module: * host 04-05 13:41:21:514 oc_module: * port 0 04-05 13:41:21:514 oc_module: * path /remote.php/webdav/Configuration/Postfix 04-05 13:41:21:515 oc_module: * user s-andy 04-05 13:41:21:516 oc_module: fetch_resource_list_recursive Starting recursive propfind ownclouds://s-andy:********* /remote.php/webdav/Configuration/Postfix 04-05 13:41:21:688 oc_module: Neon error code was 1 04-05 13:41:21:689 oc_module: WRN: propfind named failed with 1, request error: SSL handshake failed: SSL error: ASN1 parser: Element was not found. 04-05 13:41:21:690 oc_module: fill_recursive_propfind_cache /remote.php/webdav/Configuration/Postfix Server maybe did not give us an 'infinity' depth result 04-05 13:41:21:690 oc_module: get_listdir_context_from_recursive_cache No cache 04-05 13:41:21:705 oc_module: Neon error code was 1 04-05 13:41:21:706 oc_module: Neon error code was 1 04-05 13:41:21:706 oc_module: WRN: propfind named failed with 1, request error: SSL handshake failed: SSL error: ASN1 parser: Element was not found. 04-05 13:41:21:706 oc_module: Errno set to 10013 04-05 13:41:21:706 csync_ftw: opendir failed for ownclouds://s-andy:********* - Unknown error 10013 (errno 10013) 04-05 13:41:21:707 #### ERROR during csync_update : "An internal error number 1060 happend. SSL handshake failed: SSL error: ASN1 parser: Element was not found."
#2 Updated by Andriy Lesyuk over 9 years ago
Looks to be fixed already:
#3 Updated by Andriy Lesyuk over 9 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
#4 Updated by Andriy Lesyuk over 9 years ago
Getting error:
dpkg-buildpackage: пакет исходного кода owncloud-client dpkg-buildpackage: версия исходного кода 1.5.0+dfsg-4~bpo70+1 dpkg-buildpackage: дистрибутив исходного кода wheezy-backports dpkg-buildpackage: исходный код изменён Mike Gabriel <> dpkg-buildpackage: архитектура узла amd64 dpkg-source --before-build owncloud-client_1.5.0+dfsg-4~bpo70+2 dpkg-source: инфо: накладывается 0001-disable-updatecheck.patch dpkg-source: инфо: накладывается 0002-create-manpage.patch dpkg-source: инфо: накладывается 0003-respect-the-XDG_CONFIG_HOME-env-variable.patch dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Неудовлетворённые сборочные зависимости: libocsync-dev (>= 0.91.4) dpkg-buildpackage: предупреждение: неудовлетворительные зависимости/конфликты при сборке; прерываемся dpkg-buildpackage: предупреждение: (Используйте параметр -d, чтобы продолжить сборку.)
Using the guide:
#5 Updated by Andriy Lesyuk over 9 years ago
With -d:
dpkg-buildpackage: пакет исходного кода owncloud-client dpkg-buildpackage: версия исходного кода 1.5.0+dfsg-4~bpo70+2 dpkg-buildpackage: дистрибутив исходного кода wheezy-backports dpkg-buildpackage: исходный код изменён Andriy Lesyuk <> dpkg-buildpackage: архитектура узла amd64 dpkg-source --before-build owncloud-client_1.5.0+dfsg-4~bpo70+2 dpkg-source: инфо: накладывается 0004-neon-initialization.patch fakeroot debian/rules clean dh clean --parallel --with sphinxdoc --with pkgkde_symbolshelper dh_testdir -O--parallel dh_auto_clean -O--parallel dh_clean -O--parallel dpkg-source -b owncloud-client_1.5.0+dfsg-4~bpo70+2 dpkg-source: инфо: используется формат исходника «3.0 (quilt)» dpkg-source: инфо: сборка owncloud-client с использованием существующего ./owncloud-client_1.5.0+dfsg.orig.tar.bz2 dpkg-source: инфо: сборка owncloud-client в owncloud-client_1.5.0+dfsg-4~bpo70+2.debian.tar.xz dpkg-source: инфо: сборка owncloud-client в owncloud-client_1.5.0+dfsg-4~bpo70+2.dsc debian/rules build dh build-indep --parallel --with sphinxdoc --with pkgkde_symbolshelper dh_testdir -i -O--parallel debian/rules override_dh_auto_configure-indep make[1]: вход в каталог «/home/s-andy/Develop/OwnCloud/owncloud-client_1.5.0+dfsg-4~bpo70+2» dh_auto_configure -- -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DWITH_DOC=ON -DUNIT_TESTING=ON -- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.9.2 -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.9.2 -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works -- Detecting C compiler ABI info -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done -- Could not find Qt5, searching for Qt4 instead... -- Looking for Q_WS_X11 -- Looking for Q_WS_X11 - found -- Looking for Q_WS_WIN -- Looking for Q_WS_WIN - not found -- Looking for Q_WS_QWS -- Looking for Q_WS_QWS - not found -- Looking for Q_WS_MAC -- Looking for Q_WS_MAC - not found -- Found Qt4: /usr/bin/qmake (found suitable version "4.8.6", minimum required is "4.7.0") 58035a2f4a3100b824597d8d490801845bbd22f9 -- Found PkgConfig: /usr/bin/pkg-config (found version "0.28") -- checking for module 'neon' -- found neon, version 0.30.1 -- Found Neon: /usr/lib/ -- neon-config executable: /usr/bin/neon-config -- libneon has not been compiled with LFS support, rely on OS CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-3.0/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:136 (message): Could NOT find Csync (missing: CSYNC_LIBRARY CSYNC_INCLUDE_PATH) Call Stack (most recent call first): /usr/share/cmake-3.0/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:343 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE) cmake/modules/FindCsync.cmake:26 (FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS) CMakeLists.txt:79 (find_package) -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! See also "/home/s-andy/Develop/OwnCloud/owncloud-client_1.5.0+dfsg-4~bpo70+2/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". See also "/home/s-andy/Develop/OwnCloud/owncloud-client_1.5.0+dfsg-4~bpo70+2/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log". dh_auto_configure: cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=None -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DWITH_DOC=ON -DUNIT_TESTING=ON returned exit code 1 debian/rules:19: ошибка выполнения рецепта для цели «override_dh_auto_configure-indep» make[1]: *** [override_dh_auto_configure-indep] Ошибка 2 make[1]: выход из каталога «/home/s-andy/Develop/OwnCloud/owncloud-client_1.5.0+dfsg-4~bpo70+2» debian/rules:7: ошибка выполнения рецепта для цели «build-indep» make: *** [build-indep] Ошибка 2 dpkg-buildpackage: ошибка: debian/rules build возвратил код ошибки 2
#6 Updated by Andriy Lesyuk about 8 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 50
#7 Updated by Andriy Lesyuk about 8 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 50 to 100