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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Target version % Done Watchers Votes
1804 Projects Feature Incomplete Insignificant Arrows (or similar solution) for project menu

0 0
1757 SCM Creator (+Github) Feature Incomplete Insignificant Allow subdirectories

0 0
1837 Projects Feature Open Insignificant Andriy is now working on...

0 0
1881 Extended Fields Feature Open Insignificant Support wiki toolbar for "Default value"

0 0
2076 WikiNG Feature Open Insignificant HTML Color preview

0 0
2368 RedWord Bug Open Minor Next and prev links for multi-page articles

0 0
ISSUE-14 ISSUE-id Bug Open Minor Escaping #ISSUE-id Textile rule does not work

0 0
2442 Contact Form Feature New Minor Put sender's email into From

0 0
1996 Author Box Feature Incomplete Minor Project module

0 0
1022 Orangutan::Redmine Feature Incomplete Minor Changing issue status depending on user presence

0 0
1028 Orangutan Feature Incomplete Minor Recognizing English text accidentally entered with different keyboard layout

0 1
1104 Orangutan::Redmine Feature Incomplete Minor Automatic overtime tracking

0 0
1337 Orangutan::Redmine Feature Incomplete Minor Automatic time tracking

0 0
1751 Hooks Manager Feature Incomplete Minor Support URL regexps to limit pages

0 0
1831 Projects Feature Incomplete Minor Automatically include mail conversations

0 0
1867 Projects Feature Incomplete Minor Textile draft

0 0
1900 WikiNG Feature Incomplete Minor Singe bracket smiley

0 0
1907 WikiNG Feature Incomplete Minor Social links

0 1
1942 WikiNG Feature Incomplete Minor Support for target in links

0 0
1956 Extended Fields Feature Incomplete Minor SIP link

0 0
1984 Subscription Feature Incomplete Minor Redirecting back after registration/loginRedirecting back after registration/login

0 0
1999 Sidebar Content Feature Incomplete Minor Project module

0 0
2005 Extended Fields Feature Incomplete Minor Paging for projects listing

0 0
2006 Extended Fields Feature Incomplete Minor Users listing sorting

1 0
2007 Extended Fields Feature Incomplete Minor Projects listing sorting

2 0
2013 Role Shift Feature Incomplete Minor Resource shifts

0 0
2103 Extended Fields Feature Incomplete Minor Support multiple for Project

0 0
2130 WikiNG Feature Incomplete Minor Function references

0 0
2156 Extended Fields Feature Incomplete Minor Per user values?

0 0
2413 WikiNG Feature Incomplete Minor Custom links syntax

0 0
2414 Red-Andy Feature Incomplete Minor Break long application.css into sections?

0 0
20 Orangutan::Redmine Feature Open Minor Let user specify what he did during a break

0 0
124 Orangutan::Redmine Feature Open Minor Let users specify what they did during a break by answering on break question

0 3
170 Orangutan::Redmine Feature Open Minor Issue creation Orangutan - 1.06

0 2
184 Orangutan::Redmine Feature Open Minor Notifying about due date and hours Orangutan - 1.07

0 2
230 Orangutan::Redmine Feature Open Minor Starting task/time entry and new issue at the same time

0 3
558 Orangutan Feature Open Minor Jokes context

1 2
605 Orangutan Feature Open Minor SVN monkey

0 1
863 Orangutan Feature Open Minor Personal TODO list

0 0
892 Orangutan Feature Open Minor Tip of the day / Did you know that?..

0 0
935 Orangutan Feature Open Minor Invalid keyboard layout translator

0 0
941 Orangutan Feature Open Minor Support Google calendar

0 0
969 Orangutan::Redmine Feature Open Minor Editing comments Orangutan - 1.08

0 2
984 Orangutan Feature Open Minor Survey context

0 0
1076 Orangutan::Redmine Feature Open Minor Due date setting context Orangutan - 1.07

0 0
1083 Orangutan::Redmine Feature Open Minor Help context(s) for Redmine text formatting syntax Orangutan - 1.08

0 0
1352 Orangutan::Redmine Feature Open Minor Start date changing Orangutan - 1.07

0 0
1464 Orangutan Feature Open Minor Ability to see Orangutan logs for a user

0 1
1577 Orangutan Feature Open Minor Roster suggestions

0 0
1603 Orangutan Feature Open Minor MegaHAL

0 1
(1-50/356) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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