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Version 1.2.0 with Github and Google+, and "Follow" buttons

The new version of the Extended Profile plugin supports two new custom fields - Github and Google+ - and comes with the follow buttons for Facebook and Twitter.
Added by Andriy Lesyuk over 11 years ago

Download Extended Profile 1.2.0

There were two reasons for starting work on this new release: a) Redmine 2.2.x was released and b) bug #2115 (and #2116) was found in Extended Fields. The plugin appeared to work fine under Redmine 2.2.x without any changes (have not gotten something like this for a long time), so you don’t have to update it specially for Redmine 2.2.x. Therefore, this release comes only with fixes for the Extended Fields bugs.

Some time ago I added another extended field to user profiles on my website – Github. Also I wanted to add Google+... The stopping factor for including these fields into a plugin’s release was that not all plugin’s users may want these fields. But then I came to a simple solution:

This release comes with support of “Github” and “Google Plus” extended custom fields, which, however, do not get created automatically and, therefore, should be created manually, but only if you want them to appear in your user profiles (check this page for parameters of these custom fields). It is quite safe not to create these fields – the plugin will work fine without them! In fact, any of the existing custom fields, which are used by the plugin and get created automatically on the plugin installation, can be safely removed without any damage to your Redmine and the plugin (and they won’t get recreated on upgrade).

This approach will be preserved in future versions of the plugin (Yeah! I think, I will continue improving it!) – new supported fields will need to be added manually, if you’ll want to have them.

The previous version of the plugin (which was 1.1.0) was about to include the Twitter Follow button instead of just link in the user profile. But then I thought, that this would make it impossible just to check tweets of the user, before following him/her. So I rolled back my changes (see also news for the previous version and #1953)...

But, in fact, the idea of the “Follow” button is not bad at all! So this release comes with it along with the Facebook Follow button (which lets you send a friend request to the user). But instead both buttons appear on the sidebar, which gets added to the user profile. So it’s still possible just to load Facebook and Twitter pages (without subscribing to or following them).

I also wanted to add the Google+ “Add to circles” button, but it appeared to occupy too much space. Could not make it smaller.

I doubt you have not noticed the big ad to the right from the page... Yeah, I wrote a book! This book have nothing to do with the Extended Profile, but does mention its base plugin – Extended Fields. It’s needless to say, that by buying this book you “donate” to me as to its author. But in addition you also donate to the Redmine team, authors of an open source application, which this book describes (see here, what do I mean).

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