Feature #2018
database query cutsom field type
Would be great to be able to configure an sql query that is used to popolate and new cutsom list field type
Updated by Andriy Lesyuk almost 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Open
- Assignee set to Andriy Lesyuk
You have many interesting ideas, Terence! Thanks for sharing them!
Updated by Terence Miller almost 13 years ago
The idea is that one custom field specify filter parameters for an sql query, where result of the query will fill some issue attributes. User then can decide if he changes that filled fields by return values manually or just takes’em.
Updated by Fred Leeflang about 12 years ago
Maybe it would be a good idea to fill an extended field with values obtained from a REST request. MySQL servers are not always easily reachable, HTTP servers much more often.
Updated by Andriy Lesyuk over 10 years ago
As I get it for now:
- We have the custom field type, e.g., “SQL List”.
- We specify the query like:
SELECT id, title FROM news WHERE project_id = @project
is taken as select option id andtitle
is taken as select option value. - Redmine renders the custom field using data, returned by the query.
- Administrators are forced to use custom field view template to render the value.
Please specify the similar detailed workflows for your cases.