Mentions of Александр Гремячкин
12 May 2014
- 08:05 Extended Profile Wiki: 1-2-1
h1. Changes in 1.2.1
* Fixed a typo for the Google+ link (closes #2173).
Thanks user(Aleksandr Gremyachkin)#788 f...
12 Sep 2013
15:09 Extended Fields Bug fixes, improvements and Redmine 2.3
- Support for Redmine 2.3.x, fix for ChiliProject 3.x, many bug fixes, most of which were made with help of the communi...
08 Sep 2013
- 14:38 Extended Fields Wiki: 0-2-2
h1. Changes in 0.2.2
* Added support for Redmine 2.3 and ChiliProject 3.x (#2181);
Thanks user#639!
* *Added dat...