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Meta 0.2.1 with fixes for Open Graph

This release fixes Open Graph Meta tags, the mess of app identifier and Facebook administrators, invalid URL for Wiki pages under Redmine 1.0.x, and more.
Added by Andriy Lesyuk almost 12 years ago

Download Meta 0.2.1

The previous version of the Meta plugin contained several bugs, the majority of which were related to the Open Graph protocol.

In particular, they were:
  • Open Graph Meta tags article and profile were mistakenly started with og: prefix, what made them unrecognizable by Facebook debugger.
  • The article:author Meta tag contained author’s full name instead of author’s profile URL.
  • Instead of the fb:app_id Meta tag the plugin generated another fb:admins tag with the app identifier as the value.
  • Wiki page URLs were rendered incorrectly for Open Graph and Twitter Cards under Redmine 1.0.x.

All these issues were fixed in the version 0.2.1.

Generally, you need to update, if you are using Open Graph or are running the plugin under Redmine 1.0.x.

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