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Meta 0.2.3 - pretty links and stop words

Meta 0.2.3 makes URLs of news and forum topics more meaningful and generates more accurate list of Meta keywords...
Added by Andriy Lesyuk about 10 years ago

Download Meta 0.2.3

Some time ago while checking the content of the META description and keywords tags I noticed, that keywords contained such words as “this” and “that”... Moreover, these “keywords” were shown almost for every page! At that time I understood, that there should have been a stop words list... And, finally, such stop words list comes implemented in Meta 0.2.3.

Stop words are listed in the config/stopwords.list file of the plugin. Feel free to modify it!

Many SEO experts recommend using dashed pretty links in URLs – they claim, that search engines give more importance to the words in such URLs. Despite this Redmine (due to Rails, I guess) uses just numeric identifiers. Not much helpful for SEO, isn’t it?.. So, Meta 0.2.3 switches news and forum topics to such pretty URLs. Thus, you can see this in the URL of this particular news!

Old-style links also work, though.

By the way, till 0.2.3 forum topics did not include Meta description, Meta keywords, Open Graph and Twitter Cards. But, this comes fixed with version 0.2.3!

The Meta plugin uses only the original topic message (the first one) to build Meta tags. Other messages (i.e., replies) are not taken.


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