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Hierarcial Numbered headers

Added by Adnan Topçu over 9 years ago

This is related to #2392




Hierarcial Header Numbering


<style type="text/css"> 
h1 { counter-reset: h1s;   
h2 { counter-reset: h2s; }  
h2::before {  
    content: counter(h1s) ". ";  
    counter-increment: h1s;  
h3 { counter-reset: h3s; }  
h3::before {  
    content: counter(h1s) "." counter(h2s) ". ";  
    counter-increment: h2s;  
h4 { counter-reset: h4s; }  
h4::before {  
    content: counter(h1s) "." counter(h2s) "." counter(h3s) ". ";  
    counter-increment: h3s;  
h5 { counter-reset: h5s; }  
h5::before {  
    content: counter(h1s) "." counter(h2s) "." counter(h3s) "."  counter(h4s) ". ";  
    counter-increment: h4s;  
h6 { counter-reset: h6s; }  
h6::before {  
    content: counter(h1s) "." counter(h2s) "." counter(h3s) "."  counter(h4s) "."  counter(h5s) ". ";  
    counter-increment: h5s;  



1. This macro must be call each page you want to use this feature.

2. h1. must be exist.

3. Supported up to h6.



h1. Unnumbered Top Header (must be exist)

h2. First child topic

h3. Cild's child topic

h2. Second child topic

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