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Show multiple/all roles

Added by Arlo Carreon over 13 years ago

Is there a way to get this plugin to show more than one role in the sidebar? Or even All the Roles?

Replies (5)

RE: Show multiple/all roles - Added by Andriy Lesyuk over 13 years ago

Did I understand correctly: you would like all roles to be shown in format:

[] [] []

[] []

Currently Author box plugin uses role name as a heading.

RE: Show multiple/all roles - Added by Andre Merzky over 12 years ago

Hi Andriy,

I would like to support this feature request: for our project pages, I
would like to show different roles (not all), like project lead and
project editor. Yes, having them sorted by role (and being able to
sort the roles) would be great.

A simple UI solution for specifying this would be to replace the
selection list in the preferences with a simple text entry, where one
can add a sorted comma or space separated list of roles to display.
Not as foolproof as the selection (input might be invalid) but simple
and effective.

Anyway, thanks for considering this, and many thanks for your plugins!

Best, Andre.

RE: Show multiple/all roles - Added by Logical And over 12 years ago

Andriy Lesyuk wrote:

Did I understand correctly: you would like all roles to be shown in format:

[] [] []

[] []

Currently Author box plugin uses role name as a heading.

Thats it.

like project lead and
project editor. Yes, having them sorted by role (and being able to
sort the roles) would be great.

Huh, really nice idea, such as some roles are need to be at top.

Andriy, thanks for your idea and work for it implementing.


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