Support #2297
Use Redmine translations
Start date:
29 May 2014
Due date:
29 May 2014
% Done:
For RedWord it’s very important to have same translations for strings as in Redmine... Especially for Redmine/WordPress integration (so strings preserved translations during switching between systems).
The best way to achieve this is to move translations from Redmine to WordPress (for strings that are used in RedWord).
#1 Updated by Andriy Lesyuk over 10 years ago
The following code is used:
locale = 'pt-BR'.to_sym
file ="/tmp/redword-#{locale.to_s}.po", "w")
file.puts "msgid \"%d of %d\""
file.puts "msgstr \"#{::I18n.t(:label_item_position.to_s, :locale => locale.to_s, :position => '%d', :count => '%d')}\""
file.puts "msgid \"« Back\""
file.puts "msgstr \"« #{ll(locale, :button_back)}\""
file.puts "msgid \"« Previous\""
file.puts "msgstr \"« #{ll(locale, :label_previous)}\""
file.puts "msgid \"(% comments)\""
file.puts "msgstr \"(#{::I18n.t(:label_x_comments.to_s, :locale => locale.to_s, :count => '%')})\""
file.puts "msgid \"(1 comment)\""
file.puts "msgstr \"(#{::I18n.t(:label_x_comments.to_s, :locale => locale.to_s, :count => 1)})\""
file.puts "msgid \"Activity\""
file.puts "msgstr \"#{ll(locale, :label_activity)}\""
file.puts "msgid \"Add\""
file.puts "msgstr \"#{ll(locale, :button_add)}\""
file.puts "msgid \"Add a comment\""
file.puts "msgstr \"#{ll(locale, :label_comment_add)}\""
file.puts "# #{::I18n.t(:label_added_time_by.to_s, :locale => locale.to_s, :author => '|', :age => '|')}"
file.puts "msgid \"Added by\""
file.puts "msgstr \"#{::I18n.t(:label_added_time_by.to_s, :locale => locale.to_s, :author => '|', :age => '|').split('|').first.strip}\""
file.puts "# #{::I18n.t(:label_added_time_by.to_s, :locale => locale.to_s, :author => '|', :age => '|')}"
file.puts "msgid \"ago\""
file.puts "msgstr \"#{::I18n.t(:label_added_time_by.to_s, :locale => locale.to_s, :author => '|', :age => '|').split('|').last.strip}\""
file.puts "msgid \"Administration\""
file.puts "msgstr \"#{ll(locale, :label_administration)}\""
file.puts "msgid \"Also available in\""
file.puts "msgstr \"#{ll(locale, :label_export_to)}\""
file.puts "msgid \"Cancel\""
file.puts "msgstr \"#{ll(locale, :button_cancel)}\""
file.puts "msgid \"Comments\""
file.puts "msgstr \"#{ll(locale, :label_comment_plural)}\""
file.puts "msgid \"Edit\""
file.puts "msgstr \"#{ll(locale, :button_edit)}\""
file.puts "# #{::I18n.t(:label_date_from_to.to_s, :locale => locale.to_s, :start => '|', :end => '|')}"
file.puts "msgid \"From\""
file.puts "msgstr \"#{::I18n.t(:label_date_from_to.to_s, :locale => locale.to_s, :start => '|', :end => '|').split('|').first.strip}\""
file.puts "# #{::I18n.t(:label_date_from_to.to_s, :locale => locale.to_s, :start => '|', :end => '|')}"
file.puts "msgid \"to\""
file.puts "msgstr \"#{::I18n.t(:label_date_from_to.to_s, :locale => locale.to_s, :start => '|', :end => '|').split('|')[1].strip}\""
file.puts "msgid \"Help\""
file.puts "msgstr \"#{ll(locale, :label_help)}\""
file.puts "msgid \"Logged in as\""
file.puts "msgstr \"#{ll(locale, :label_logged_as)}\""
file.puts "msgid \"My account\""
file.puts "msgstr \"#{ll(locale, :label_my_account)}\""
file.puts "msgid \"Next »\""
file.puts "msgstr \"#{ll(locale, :label_next)} »\""
file.puts "msgid \"No data to display\""
file.puts "msgstr \"#{ll(locale, :label_no_data)}\""
file.puts "msgid \"Registered on\""
file.puts "msgstr \"#{ll(locale, :label_registered_on)}\""
file.puts "msgid \"Reply\""
file.puts "msgstr \"#{ll(locale, :button_reply)}\""
file.puts "msgid \"Results\""
file.puts "msgstr \"#{ll(locale, :label_result_plural)}\""
file.puts "msgid \"Search\""
file.puts "msgstr \"#{ll(locale, :label_search)}\""
file.puts "msgid \"Sign in\""
file.puts "msgstr \"#{ll(locale, :label_login)}\""
file.puts "msgid \"Sign out\""
file.puts "msgstr \"#{ll(locale, :label_logout)}\""
file.puts "msgid \"The page you are trying to access doesn't exist or has been removed.\""
file.puts "msgstr \"#{ll(locale, :notice_file_not_found)}\""
file.puts "msgid \"Zoom in\""
file.puts "msgstr \"#{ll(locale, :text_zoom_in)}\""
file.puts "msgid \"Zoom out\""
file.puts "msgstr \"#{ll(locale, :text_zoom_out)}\""
#2 Updated by Andriy Lesyuk over 10 years ago
- Due date set to 29 May 2014
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 20 to 100