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0.1.0b with support of Redmine 2.x

This is a maintenance release, which just adds support for Redmine 1.4.x, 2.0.x, 2.1.x and 2.2.x.
Added by Andriy Lesyuk over 11 years ago

Download Role Shift 0.1.0b

The Role Shift plugin is one of the newest, but also one of the most wanted. While I’m still not sure how popular is it, its functionality seems to be much needed. For this reason I mention this plugin in my book (see the right side), and for the latter reason I also hurried to make this release.

This release, however, does not bring any new functionality – it just makes the plugin usable under Redmine 1.4.x, 2.0.x, 2.1.x and 2.2.x. The plugin also does not loose the “b” (beta) marker as I’m not sure, that it works without issues (remember – use more restrictive roles as base roles and less restrictive ones as shifts).

To be familiar with events related to the plugin (e.g., to know about new features coming with its new versions) subscribe to the project using the “Subscription” block on the sidebar. Under this block you can also select types of events, you are interested in.

To buy the book, in which this plugin is mentioned along with many other plugins and iteresting things, use this link or the “Buy the book” button on the right side of the page (by the way, two buttons (Facebook’s and Google’s ones) beneath it allow you to subscribe to the book’s news).


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