Bug #2382
Error NoMethodError: undefined method `after_move'
Please fix it !
This plugin generate a error when I install on the system :
Environment: Redmine version 3.0.3.stable Ruby version 2.2.2-p95 (2015-04-13) [x86_64-linux] Rails version 4.2.1 Environment production Database adapter Mysql2
$ rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production (in /var/www/redmine) rake aborted! NoMethodError: undefined method `after_move' for #<Class:0x0000000626fba0> /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.2/gems/activerecord-4.2.1/lib/active_record/dynamic_matchers.rb:26:in `method_missing' /var/www/redmine/plugins/project_section/lib/section_project_patch.rb:15:in `block in included' /var/www/redmine/plugins/project_section/lib/section_project_patch.rb:7:in `class_eval' /var/www/redmine/plugins/project_section/lib/section_project_patch.rb:7:in `included'
Associated revisions
Quick fix for awesome_nested_set’s after_move (#2382)
Added Gemfile
Updates for Redmine 3.4
#1 Updated by Andriy Lesyuk about 9 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from New to Open
- Priority changed from Critical to Major
#2 Updated by Adnan Topçu about 9 years ago
#3 Updated by Corey Sewell almost 9 years ago
#4 Updated by Andriy Lesyuk over 8 years ago
Just a note for now: #after_move
is provided by awesome_nested_set
, which is used by Redmine. Looks like it was dropped/replaced.
#5 Updated by Andriy Lesyuk about 8 years ago
- Status changed from Open to In Progress
#6 Updated by Andriy Lesyuk about 8 years ago
#7 Updated by Andriy Lesyuk about 8 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 50
#8 Updated by Bruno Spyckerelle over 7 years ago
I tried last revision (28) of your plugin with Redmine 3.3, but unfortunately this doesn’t seem to work :
Started GET "/redmine/projects" for at 2017-04-03 14:20:24 +0200 Processing by ProjectsController#index as HTML Current user: admin (id=1) Rendered projects/index.html.erb within layouts/base (8.9ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 50ms (ActiveRecord: 36.8ms) LoadError (cannot load such file -- awesome_nested_set): plugins/project_section/app/models/project_section.rb:1:in `<top (required)>' plugins/project_section/lib/section_projects_helper_patch.rb:18:in `render_project_hierarchy_with_sections' app/views/projects/index.html.erb:12:in `_b9410e0d15b3e45b2b995de4b7f6cf88' lib/redmine/sudo_mode.rb:63:in `sudo_mode'
Versions :
Environment: Redmine version 3.3.2.stable.16334 Ruby version 2.3.3-p222 (2016-11-21) [x86_64-linux] Rails version Environment production Database adapter Mysql2
#9 Updated by Allan Vig over 7 years ago
Having the same issue as Bruno. Any progress or workaround?
Regards - Allan
#10 Updated by Andriy Lesyuk about 7 years ago
Bruno, Allan, this means, that you need to install awesome_nested_set gem. It was a part of Redmine package before, but now needs to be installed separately.
#11 Updated by Andriy Lesyuk about 7 years ago
- Redmine version changed from 3.0.3 to 3.0.x, 3.4.x
Got the following error, when adding a subproject, under Redmine 3.4:
App 15986 stderr: Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 907ms (ActiveRecord: 259.1ms) App 15986 stderr: App 15986 stderr: SystemStackError (stack level too deep): App 15986 stderr: lib/redmine/nested_set/project_nested_set.rb:125:in `lock_nested_set' App 15986 stderr: lib/redmine/nested_set/project_nested_set.rb:60:in `move_in_nested_set' App 15986 stderr: plugins/project_section/lib/section_project_patch.rb:79:in `update_descendants'
#12 Updated by Andriy Lesyuk about 7 years ago
Similar on Redmine 3.3:
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 2114ms (ActiveRecord: 741.6ms) SystemStackError (stack level too deep): lib/plugins/acts_as_customizable/lib/acts_as_customizable.rb:30:in `block in acts_as_customizable' lib/plugins/acts_as_customizable/lib/acts_as_customizable.rb:142:in `block in save_custom_field_values' lib/plugins/acts_as_customizable/lib/acts_as_customizable.rb:134:in `each' lib/plugins/acts_as_customizable/lib/acts_as_customizable.rb:134:in `save_custom_field_values' plugins/project_section/lib/section_project_patch.rb:79:in `update_descendants'
#13 Updated by Andriy Lesyuk about 7 years ago
- Due date set to 21 Dec 2017
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 50 to 100
I thought about switching to Redmine’s “nested set”. This would require adding some code to Section
, what is not needed if awesome_nested_set is used. Therefore, I was not sure. Eventually, I decided to continue with the awesome_nested_set Ruby gem. Maybe, in future, I will switch to Redmine’s implementation, but, to be honest, do not see any reasons for this (except avoiding dependency on third-party gem).
The last issue was fixed in r34.