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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Target version % Done Watchers Votes
1622 Orangutan::Redmine Improvement Incomplete Normal Support rest_hours column

0 0
1159 Orangutan::Redmine Improvement Open Minor Support using numbers for project list

0 0
1602 Orangutan::Redmine Improvement Open Major Textile support Orangutan - 1.07

0 0
1609 Orangutan::Redmine Improvement Open Normal Use text similarity score when suggesting renaming or replacing Orangutan - 1.07

0 0
1985 Project Alias Patch Deferred Normal Redmine.pm for Git supporting project-aliases

0 0
2341 Project Alias Patch Under Verification Normal Underscore support for Redmine Project Alias - 0.1.1

0 0
2214 Project Sections Feature Incomplete Normal Featured and disregarded projects

0 0
2441 Project Sections Improvement Incomplete Minor Option to collapse section

0 0
2346 Project Sections Bug Incomplete Normal Project list shifts when there are more text in sidebar

0 0
2401 Project Sections Improvement Open Normal Section support for Extended Fields

0 0
2219 Project Sections Feature Open Normal Wiki rule for section

0 0
1891 Projects Improvement Open Normal Add BASH & Perl CodeRay scanners

0 0
1837 Projects Feature Open Insignificant Andriy is now working on...

0 0
1990 Projects Improvement Incomplete Minor anti notificatin spam - fine grained mail distribution

0 1
1804 Projects Feature Incomplete Insignificant Arrows (or similar solution) for project menu

0 0
1987 Projects Feature Incomplete Normal Attachment resize

0 0
1831 Projects Feature Incomplete Minor Automatically include mail conversations

0 0
2399 Projects Support New Normal ChiliProject cleanup

0 0
2037 Projects Improvement Open Minor Completeness bars on start page

0 0
1853 Projects Support Open Normal Customizer

0 0
2431 Projects Improvement New Normal Fix location of known_hosts for www-data

0 0
2036 Projects Enhancement Open Minor Global news

0 0
2106 Projects Improvement Incomplete Minor Gravatar upload

0 0
1963 Projects Feature Open Minor Issues/messages count

0 0
2086 Projects Improvement Incomplete Minor Latest stable version

0 0
(176-200/311) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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