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SCM Creator (+Github): SCM Creator 0.2.0

Added by Andriy Lesyuk almost 13 years ago

Like the version 0.1.0 version 0.2.0 comes with new SCM support - it’s now possible to create local Mercurial repository with just one click. This version also comes with hooks support for all currently supported SCMs - you can now specify a directory/file containing hook scripts and they will be automatically copied into a newly created repository.

The version 0.2.0 also introduces new features for Git: now it supports new option update-server-info which is required for Redmine/Git integration (to let Git work through HTTP) and new option git_ext which lets enabling/disabling .git extension.

And perhaps the most wanted change is support for Redmine 1.2.x and ChiliProject!

But there is also one thing you should note: in previous versions you could press on the “Delete” button under “Repository” tab in project settings and be sure that local repository created with the SCM Creator remains on the file system. You could even get used to this... It’s not so anymore! Now when you delete a repository created with the SCM Creator (e.g. remove project) it is also removed from the file system!

This release would not be possible without help of: John Blackwood and Etienne Savard (Mercurial), Takashi Okamoto (hooks patch), Paramvir Kaler (Git testing), Roland Firmont (Redmine 1.2.x), Fabricio Caseiro and Txinto Vaz (translations). Thank you, guys!

Sidebar Content: Sidebar content 0.0.3

Added by Andriy Lesyuk almost 13 years ago

In this new version many changes were made to improve the code. It also includes new language files for German, Spanish and Korean. Own code for adding a tab into project settings was replaced by using the Project Settings Tab plugin which just provides a new hook to make this easier.

But one of the main changes is a fix for Wiki formatting. It was not possible to include headings (h1, h2 etc) into Textile text which was used for sidebar content. Special thanks for help in resolving this issue go to Adam Mallinson, Jamie Gruener, Steven Wong and Ron Klinkien! (Yeah, many users faced this problem)

Other special thanks for translating the plugin into German, Spanish and Korean languages go to Stefan Wienert, Txinto Vaz and Ki Won Kim!

To download the plugin go to this page.
For installation procedure check this page (and don’t forget about the Project Settings Tab plugin).

Advertising: Reklama 0.1.0

Added by Andriy Lesyuk almost 13 years ago

While I did not plan to extend the plugin much since the first release each time I felt like missing some functionality I created an issue or just implemented it. This resulted into the new version of the plugin providing much more control on what, where and whom to show...

For example,

  • I needed to disable an advertisement for some time without removing it. Now the advertisements listing and the form have this new option...
  • I wanted to put a Ukrainian advertisement but did not want to show it for people who do not speak Ukrainian. Now it’s possible to specify language...
  • I wanted to disable some of advertisements for some projects. Another user also wanted this! Now the form has been extended and contains project selection...

For this release I want to thank:

  • Txinto Vaz for translation to Spanish!
  • Pierluigi Soana for feedback and ideas!

New version can be downloaded here.
For upgrade instructions check this page.

Author Box: Author box 0.0.3

Added by Andriy Lesyuk almost 13 years ago

Ok. Here is it! A new version! It just includes Spanish and Chinese translation... Thanks Txinto Vaz and Tim Lin for them!

Contact Form: Contact Form 0.0.1

Added by Andriy Lesyuk almost 13 years ago

When I had checked “Hide my email address” in my Redmine profile the first I thought “Hey! How do users contact me then?!”... I made this website... but again: “How can site users contact me?..”. Should they find for my profile? Check my Facebook, LinkedIn etc page?.. Ah!.. Create an issue?! No, seriously?

Unless you are the very special secret agent users should have an easy way to contact you! A personal page should always have a contact form. Besides, why not letting project members to have a contact form as well?

That’s how I came to the idea of my new Redmine / ChiliProject plugin: Contact Form. Whenever you are a site owner or a project member the Contact Form plugin will provide a form for writing an email message to you. For doing this a user does not need to know your email address! Support of custom fields will also let you collect some basic information about the request e.g. reason.

So what next?

Download Button: Download button 0.0.2

Added by Andriy Lesyuk almost 13 years ago

The “Download” button now can be configured. In new version 0.0.2 I have added a configuration form to project settings (“Download” tab). Using this form you can: a) disable button, b) change caption (“Download”), c) change project name shown on the button, d) turn off showing version and e) specify file or external URL (by default the plugin detects automatically which file to download). The new version also includes the possibility to specify custom CSS for the button.

Hooks Manager: Google Ads for Redmine

Added by Andriy Lesyuk about 13 years ago

Some time ago I was looking for a way to place Google Ads on this site... I found that many users use sidebar plugins. Others just modify core RHTML files. I like none of these ways! Why? Google Ads should be placed not only on sidebar to “work”. And changing core files means issues on upgrade...

For things like Google Ads Redmine has... hooks. What is this?.. These are “functions” which you can define in your plugins. These functions can return HTML code and this HTML code will be placed in the certain places on Redmine pages. That’s what any sidebar plugin uses! In addition to sidebar hooks allow adding custom HTML to many other places. Besides theoretically you can suggest your hooks by submitting patches to Redmine1.

That’s how I decided to write this plugin. This plugins provides a nice interface to Redmine hooks (well... some of them). With this interface any user can define his/her own HTML code to be placed on Redmine pages. The interface contains a nice thumbnails showing where the content is to be placed.

1 However seems none of my hooks were included into Redmine...

Like Button: Like new version 0.0.3!

Added by Andriy Lesyuk about 13 years ago

Is it possible to “like” issues? Now, yes! Can someone “like” the whole Redmine-powered site? Yes! In addition to these changes you will find (and like) other improvements and fixes.

This version also contains Korean language file. Thanks Ki Won Kim!

You gonna like it!

Meta: Meta tags 0.0.2

Added by Andriy Lesyuk about 13 years ago

Redmine Meta tags plugin has been written to “assist” the Redmine Like button plugin. So new upcoming version of the last “pushed” this plugin to release...

Meta tags 0.0.2 adds Meta description to the start page (a.k.a. the welcome page) and to issues pages (the Like button plugin is going to add the button there). For more information check this page.

Author Box: Author box 0.0.2

Added by Andriy Lesyuk about 13 years ago

Those who use the Author box plugin perhaps know that it uses the Extended profile plugin. These plugins are related! With changes made to the Extended profile plugin the Author box plugin stopped to work as expected... So that’s the main reason for this new version.

Anyway the plugin has been improved so update is recommended even if you don’t use the Extended profile plugin.


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