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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Target version % Done Watchers Votes
1845 Advertising Feature Open Minor Per project management Advertising - 0.3.0

0 0
1993 Advertising Feature Open Normal Which types of user

0 0
1846 Advertising Feature Open Minor Page configuration Advertising - 0.3.0

0 0
1840 Advertising Bug Closed Normal Site error on non-existen projects

0 0
1705 Advertising Feature Closed Minor Restricted mode (only when keywords found) Advertising - 0.1.0

0 0
1728 Advertising Bug Closed Normal Wiki text in sidebar should use Tahoma

0 0
1740 Advertising Feature Closed Insignificant Total hits Advertising - 0.1.0

0 0
1742 Advertising Feature Closed Normal Possibility to disable/enable an advertisement Advertising - 0.1.0

0 0
1841 Advertising Feature Closed Normal Browser / user language filter Advertising - 0.1.0

0 0
1843 Advertising Feature Closed Normal A better projects configuration Advertising - 0.1.0

0 0
2146 Advertising Feature Closed Normal Make ads not visible to search engines Advertising - 0.2.0

0 0
1996 Author Box Feature Incomplete Minor Project module

0 0
1842 Author Box Feature Open Normal Show multiple/all roles Author Box - 1.0.0

0 0
1812 Author Box Feature Open Normal Custom fields support Author Box - 1.0.0

0 0
1943 Author Box Feature Deferred Normal Author box layout change plan

0 0
1769 Author Box Bug Won't Fix Major Conflict with local avatars

0 0
2424 CD-Index Feature New Normal Option to skip thumbnail(s)

0 0
2425 CD-Index Feature New Normal Content rating data for images and videos

0 0
1729 CD-Index Bug Incomplete Normal Segfault in libarchive when working with large ISO

0 0
1731 CD-Index Bug Incomplete Normal Libarchive archive_read_symlink returns garbage

0 0
2426 CD-Index Feature Incomplete Normal Tool to modify data (cdmodify?)

0 0
2427 CD-Index Feature Incomplete Normal Tags

0 0
2429 CD-Index Feature Incomplete Normal Flag for broken media

0 0
1720 CD-Index Feature Open Minor Man page for cdindex

0 0
1721 CD-Index Feature Open Minor Man page for cdfind

0 0
1722 CD-Index Feature Open Major Separate common code into library

0 0
1723 CD-Index Feature Open Normal PHP module

0 0
1733 CD-Index Feature Open Normal Put more info about the media into header

0 0
1736 CD-Index Feature Open Normal Command-line options and environmental variables

0 0
1739 CD-Index Feature Open Normal Debian package

0 1
2430 CD-Index Feature Open Normal (Non-)interactive mode for cdindex

0 0
1730 CD-Index Bug Won't Fix Normal Libarchive retrieves unordered data

0 0
1724 CD-Index Bug Closed Major Increase 4Gb file size limit CD-Index - 1.00b

0 0
1732 CD-Index Bug Closed Normal No info for parent directories for some ZIP archives CD-Index - 1.00b

0 0
1737 CD-Index Feature Closed Minor Image extractor CD-Index - 1.00b

0 0
1738 CD-Index Feature Closed Minor Video extractor CD-Index - 1.00b

0 0
2428 CD-Index Feature Closed Normal Switch to libffmpegthumbnailer for video thumbnails CD-Index - 1.00b

0 0
2442 Contact Form Feature New Minor Put sender's email into From

0 0
1970 Contact Form Feature Open Minor Contact link

0 0
2237 Contact Form Bug Open Normal Spam protection (looks like 0.1.0 is spam prone)

0 0
1920 Contact Form Feature Closed Minor Drop "Project" field Contact Form - 0.1.0

0 0
2050 Contact Form Bug Closed Major Redmine 1.4.x support Contact Form - 0.1.0

0 1
1957 Download Button Feature Incomplete Normal Plugin configuration

0 0
1997 Download Button Feature Open Minor Project module

0 0
2132 Download Button Feature Open Normal Per version button

0 0
2165 Download Button Bug Open Major Error in email Download Button - 0.1.1

0 0
2313 Download Button Bug Open Normal Emails include the Download "button" with relative link

0 0
1992 Download Button Bug Won't Fix Normal Cannot determine project for news

0 0
1691 Download Button Feature Closed Normal Project button configuration Download Button - 0.0.2

1 1
1792 Download Button Bug Closed Normal Multiple files Download Button - 0.0.2

0 1
1860 Download Button Patch Closed Normal Download button Wiki/Textile macro Download Button - 0.0.3

0 0
1951 Download Button Feature Closed Major Support themes Download Button - 0.0.3

0 0
1952 Download Button Feature Closed Minor Drop project settings plugin dependency Download Button - 0.0.3

0 0
1882 Extended Fields Feature Incomplete Normal Wiki toolbar for Wiki text

0 0
1884 Extended Fields Feature Incomplete Normal Multiselect

0 0
1954 Extended Fields Feature Incomplete Normal Mailto links

0 0
1955 Extended Fields Feature Incomplete Normal FTP link

0 0
1956 Extended Fields Feature Incomplete Minor SIP link

0 0
2005 Extended Fields Feature Incomplete Minor Paging for projects listing

0 0
2006 Extended Fields Feature Incomplete Minor Users listing sorting

1 0
2007 Extended Fields Feature Incomplete Minor Projects listing sorting

2 0
2011 Extended Fields Feature Incomplete Normal Custom field translations

0 0
2092 Extended Fields Feature Incomplete Normal Users-to-issues custom fields auto-fill

0 0
2093 Extended Fields Feature Incomplete Normal Extended columns using custom queries

0 0
2103 Extended Fields Feature Incomplete Minor Support multiple for Project

0 0
2156 Extended Fields Feature Incomplete Minor Per user values?

0 0
2220 Extended Fields Feature Incomplete Normal Project specific custom fields

0 0
1881 Extended Fields Feature Open Insignificant Support wiki toolbar for "Default value"

0 0
1947 Extended Fields Feature Open Normal Visible for admins only

0 0
1995 Extended Fields Feature Open Normal Checklist

0 0
2114 Extended Fields Feature Open Normal LDAP attributes for user custom fields

1 0
2117 Extended Fields Feature Open Normal User list filter

0 0
2223 Extended Fields Feature Open Normal Linked list custom field

0 0
2221 Extended Fields Support Deferred Minor Need a fix for _list.html.erb

0 0
1883 Extended Fields Feature Won't Fix Insignificant Member/User custom field type

0 0
1911 Extended Fields Feature Won't Fix Normal Version custom field type

0 0
2227 Extended Fields Feature In Progress Normal Altering form elements for custom fields Extended Fields - 0.2.4

0 0
1885 Extended Fields Feature Closed Normal Include new fields in users list Extended Fields - 0.1.0

0 0
1936 Extended Fields Bug Closed Normal Undefined method `find_custom_field_template' Extended Fields - 0.1.0

0 0
1941 Extended Fields Feature Closed Normal New fields in projects listing Extended Fields - 0.1.0

0 0
2010 Extended Fields Feature Closed Minor Forum messages Extended Fields - 0.2.0b

0 0
2125 Extended Fields Feature Closed Minor Version custom fields on project overview page? Extended Fields - 0.2.4

0 0
2133 Extended Fields Bug Closed Normal Rendering HTML for email Extended Fields - 0.2.1

0 0
1811 Extended Profile Feature Won't Fix Normal Github page

0 0
1698 Extended Profile Feature Won't Fix Normal Include new fields in users list

1 0
1865 Extended Profile Feature Won't Fix Normal Google plus

0 0
1953 Extended Profile Feature Won't Fix Normal Follow button for Twitter

0 0
1778 Extended Profile Feature Closed Major OpenID support Extended Profile - 0.0.2

0 0
1861 Extended Profile Bug Closed Normal User OpenID failure Extended Profile - 0.0.3

0 0
1880 Extended Profile Feature Closed Major Separate Open ID fix code into plugin

0 0
1972 Extended Profile Bug Closed Major Check for value Extended Profile - 1.1.0

1 1
1751 Hooks Manager Feature Incomplete Minor Support URL regexps to limit pages

0 0
2209 Hooks Manager Feature Incomplete Normal A templating language support

0 0
2210 Hooks Manager Feature Open Normal Sidebar access from other hooks

0 0
1753 Hooks Manager Bug Closed Major Redmine restart needed after first ads published Hooks Manager - 0.0.1

0 0
1754 Hooks Manager Feature Closed Normal Ads form needs to be restructurized Hooks Manager - 1.0.0

0 0
1755 Hooks Manager Feature Closed Normal Preview Hooks Manager - 1.0.0

0 0
1794 Hooks Manager Feature Closed Normal Support placeholder translations in xx.yml Hooks Manager - 1.0.0

0 0
1795 Hooks Manager Feature Closed Normal Support placeholders in separate files Hooks Manager - 1.0.0

0 0
1903 Hooks Manager Feature Closed Normal Wiki macro Hooks Manager - 1.0.0

0 0
(1-100/482) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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